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Old 02-05-2011, 08:11 PM   #8 (permalink)
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truck - '94 Ford F150 XLT
90 day: 13.15 mpg (US)

civic - '00 Honda Civic EX
90 day: 36.24 mpg (US)
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a very interesting thread. It reinforces in my mind that the engine has a certain RPM and load where it operates most efficiently. I had thought that in terms of what that RPM actually is, the lower the better. But that thread inclines me to think the RPM is more in the middle of the range.

However it does nothing to address my initial question: If my %highway and %city driving remains unchanged, which will provide the greatest increase in fuel econ: enhancing low end torque or high end power? In short, long tubes vs shorties?

If you've already answered this and I'm just being dense I apologize
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