An inkling of what the Matrix is worth
So, I finally had the chance to take the Matrix on a long trip in warmer weather since I've started hypermiling. This weekend I went up to upper Michigan to visit my parents and in laws. The trip is 3/4 65 mph with about 1/4 55 mph. My wife had filled the Matrix up in the morning before work on Friday and had put on almost 100 miles before I jumped in and drove us. On the way up we first hit hit some very impressive stop and go rush hour traffic heading up a highway we normally don't travel to get out of Milwaukee. About an hour later we hit a massive downpour which limited visibility to about 30-50 feet so it was a crawl for about 20 minutes with rain well before and after. Last, but not least was a really dense fog at the end of the trip (roughly 400 miles in total there and back) that probably helped FE as I just had to slow way down. All in all, I had the best tank yet out of the Matrix. 489.3 miles on 11.33 gallons gave me 43.2 mpg. Not too shabby. This was using P&G with ICE on coasting. Next time I hope to drive the entire tank at warmer temps (averaged low 50°F on the entire trip), and in good weather.