Originally Posted by Tri91
Hello Brian, Welcome to the site.
My you're coming out of the gates a'runnin. Lets see if I can answer some of your inquires off the top of my head this late into a sleepless night,...
>1. I am wondering how close the CRX is to mine.
CRX's are smaller, lighter, more streamlinded versions of the Civics. They will beat a hatchback in MPG on any road even though many of them have the exact same drivetrain.
>My speedometer has a small 55 making me think this indicates the best speed
Naw, That's just some 70's fuel scare thing.
>what is the most fuel efficient constant speed
My best constant speed tanks have been at interstate speeds of 75+mph where I'd fill up and drive for some 400 miles straight only stopping again for more gas. (The not stopping part could have had something to do with it.) Otherwise I've been having some positive results with the whole 45mph max thing I've been doing for the last few months.
>my car doesn't come with a tach either
Yeah, my DXs didn't come with one either. Aftermarket tachs are easy enough to install but there is an easier way,... Just get a SI gauge cluster, all the wires for the tach are in the car, you just need a cluster with a tach.
>have had problems starting
I don't p&g but if you are having problems starting after being parked for awhile then I've some advice that helps with my Civics. Turn the key until the gauge warning lights come on. Wait until the amber engine light goes out before starting the engine. The fuelline can and will lose pressure. The fuel pump pressurizes the line while the engine light is on. The engine can't start without fuel and the battery might not have enough juice to turn the fuel pump and the engine at the same time.
Thanks for the compliment.
That makes sense about the 55 mph. I guess it's just a good reminder.
The 75 mph constant speed sounds pretty high, since the RPM's at that speed would be high, plus the air drag on the car. I'm trying to figure out if anyone with a fuel feedback guage (like supermid or mpguino) for our cars can tell us exactly which speed gives the best instant FE.
I never looked into adding a tach, although now that I have figured out my gear ratio's / rpm's using an online calculator, I now know my rpm's so I'm not sure what a tach would do to help me then.
Thanks for all your help.