That's a good idea to avoid the driveshaft issue! Haven't thought of it.
The problem would be the original Geo engine is tilted, but the other way.
There really isn't any attachment but the frame rails, so not sure how I could hold it in place if mounted unbalanced vertically.
Also I've moved the engine pretty far back and have already removed a couple inches from the passenger foot well, if I tilt it that way, it would remove quite a bit more, already its not going to great comfort for the passenger. The Midget is a very small car!
The fuel tank isn't big or heavy, will be on the right side, the battery will be lithium, not much weight.
There really isn't anything else of any weight that is relocatable.
The car is purpose built as a commuter car, so I suspect 90% of the miles will not have a passenger. My hottie girlfriend has a 120 mile commute 3 days a week, and will be driving it, this is too far for an EV.
She currently uses my Prius. She is a svelte 125lbs. But now she wants the Porsche!
Originally Posted by Arragonis
Or tilt the motor to the other side, Mallock style.
Mallock did front engine / rwd race cars well after everyone else went mid-engined, and his cars continued to win even when they shouldn't have. Here's a front engined Formula Ford mallock
