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Old 02-13-2011, 08:16 PM   #88 (permalink)
Do more with less
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: North Eastern Missouri
Posts: 931

OD - '05 Ford Econoline
90 day: 18.64 mpg (US)

Joetta - '86 Volkswagen Jetta Turbo Oil Burner
90 day: 49.71 mpg (US)

Benzilla - '85 Mercedes Benz 300D
90 day: 28.08 mpg (US)
Thanks: 66
Thanked 177 Times in 112 Posts
That is is a heck of a commute. Perhaps to be eco a new close by job is in order. I really can't talk as we live 150 miles from work and we only make it home on weekends. I sure would not want to commute in a sprite.

Had to drive to Kansas City this weekend. On the way in had someone pull on to I35 in front of me, change lanes to the left lane in front of me and put on his brakes hard enough to compress suspension several inches. Guess he was just trying to keep in control of the left lane as I had to do the same to maintain the interval. A few miles later someone else entered the interstate and pulled immediately in to the left lane. Sorry for going OT.

Project is way cool.

I do like the front engine FF to.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed.”

Noah Webster, 1787
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