I am starting a new job the commute will be 28 miles of country road and 2 miles of city with 4 trafic lights each way, 5 or 6 days a week. I own a gl 1200 Goldwing that gets horrible millage (35mpg?). I could ride about half the year. i am considering a 2011 Honda CBR 250. The dealer says 88 mpg, considering that it is an injected single and what I have read about the Ninja that sounds realistic on these roads. The terrain is hilly and curvy 50 mph max. I like riding and have the gear, Insurance should be $150 per year and the bike should cost $4300. I would keep the Wing for touring and use the 250 for commuting. How many miles can you get out of a bike like this, how would you figure depreciation?