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Old 02-17-2011, 09:48 AM   #11 (permalink)
EV Builder
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Thanks Jackbauer! As is the work I've seen you post.
Got the image link thing working with Paul's help, so you can see the pcb in my previous post.
As for the code- Well, I'm a guy that does things the hard way, that is... ALL of this is done in PIC assembler. I'm not a glutton for punishment, I just never learned C. I worked in new product development for 14 years and as a hardware designer, I only had to design the schematic & pcb, then write a specifications document for the software engineer. Sure, I'd write little assembly routines to verify functions on all I/O in my designs, but they did all the heavy lifting.
This probably represents the most code I've written since school (think Intel8088). That being said, making this have a serial command interface to change parameters would be a significant undertaking for me.
A $35 investment in a PIC programmer along with downloading the free MPLAB IDE is the only option. You open up the project, go to the declared variables section and change parameters. I have this well commented in the code and I plan on doing a step by step writeup showing how to change, recompile and reprogram the part.
However, anyone with a background in programming PICs in C and who is interested in this project is welcome to add the serial command interface. While they'd need to purchase all the hardware themselves I would donate my spare PCB (I had 2 done by BatchPCB).

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