Due to where I work and recreate, in the desert, I carry anywhere from 3 to 5 extra gallons of water, first aid kit, tools, floor jack (yes a 2 ton rolling jack), blankets and such. Not as much as a first responder, but in the desert it can be a while before help arrives. And I can't imagine NOT carrying a spare tire. I know that many of you remove the spare and count on a can of fix-a-flat, plugs and a cellphone. Even on my commute I'm often not in cell range... I know the weight hurts mileage, but the piece of mind is worth it.
And as mentioned, the commute is carpooling so I have 2 to 3 other people with me, and more often than not I don't go into the city by myself. I live in a growing small town 30 minutes from Salt Lake City, and work 50 miles west of where I live.
I find it interesting that there are so many Jeeps in general, but also so many Grand Cherokees here now. I think the owner of the site is getting his wishes for Jeep challenges...
When it comes to Heroes, RENEGADES are mine!