Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
So, how would an environmentally-conscious parent put his kids on a non-polluting, safe school bus, when the manufacturers don't have to (and don't, AFAIK) build them, and the school districts don't have money to buy them?
Well the voters supported a political agenda of the Left for imposing mandated pollution devices on automobiles. Oh, I guess it wasn't a priority to demand it of government to do the same for state mandated vehicles. (Ah, perhaps some politician's brother in law who has a contract for a fleet of school buses is operating more profitably by not having pollution controls imposed?) Funny how government is always above and exempt from the laws that the rest of us have to follow and the expenses associated with it...
Sure as heck, if states and taxpayers put education on the bottom tier of budget priorities, modern buses are at the bottom tier of education priorities.
The position of the political Left is that every problem will be solved by throwing more taxpayer's money at it and then demanding more through coercion.
Regarding your statement: to the contrary, in my state the budget for education is bloated as ever, but the kids aren't any better educated. And the grant money flows, and the administrators get paid more than the teachers do to be their bosses (although they themselves can't teach worth a damn, which is why they aspired to be bosses), and the unionized bus drivers and custodians are all handsomely paid, too. And no one who benefits above and beyond market value for their skills wants to rock the boat. Who wins? Those in power and control and those profiting from the arrangement. Who loses? Those who pay the mandatory tax bill imposed upon them and have no other choice but to do so.
But since you ridiculed and denied the existence of school administrator's unions, why should we believe your partisan opinions about priorities on spending for education? It's all based upon force. Taxation = coercion.
Should we say boldfaced that it's "
all for the children"???