Thanks for the advice and links guys. I have an Ultra-Gauge that has been very helpful so far. I love it, though I'm only on my 2nd tank of fuel with it.
I was trying to get 40-50% load during accel in order to get better efficiency based on BSFC islands, but I do think that the downshifting was a net loss due to the TC unlocking.
Aggressive P&G on the freeway is also a lot more work and I'm fairly confident it's annoying to those around me and less safe (constant speed changes make me unpredictable). From now on I think I'll just set the cruise - I drive on rolling hills so I'll have a little bit of P&G anyway, without the shifting (my 3.8L has plenty of torque lol).
Probably should do some A-B-A testing to confirm the results.....