Originally Posted by Thymeclock
Again, my point is that school buses ARE exempt and remain so. The Leftie Greenies are the ones who lobbied that cars have to have stringent pollution controls, but it didn't apply to school buses. That's a political fact and it smacks of hypocrisy, as school buses have continued to stink for many decades and still do today.
Call it the stench of public education, if you like. 
People have called me far left many times but this issue I could care less about. Emissions is one area were it is just shades of gray, certain FAR out there levels of pollution should be tackled in regards to transport.(mostly racers and ideots) But the reality is most every vehicle is within the ballpark and penalizing one percentage of this or that is well stupid. The volume of pollution to me is the most important and always will be. A car getting 50mpg with dirty exhaust is still less polluting than one that only gets 22mpg but has "clean" exhaust just by volume emitted.
Also diesel stinks due to particulate and the material burning and always will (my folks tdi jetta stinks horrible). Its level of pollution though compared to how many its transporting is likely quite small. Many bus's get the same fuel economy as a typical 4wd Dodge RAM for example.
Which means a little smell goes a long way and just because it offends you doesn't mean it should change to a gasser.