Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Yes, and then motorists think "Oh, 14 mpg isn't BAD"...
I agree fully. I think I posted the Duke University video called 'The MPG Illusion' on here at one point, but it applies again.
They make an excellent point when they assert that mpg is a poor gauge of fuel economy. Gallons per mile is much better because it better shows the difference in consumption (and thus $) when small-seeming gains are made in relatively inefficient vehicles.
If you start with 14mpg and jump to a mere 16mpg, you save .89 gallons of fuel in 100 miles or 8.9 in 1000 miles. Using today's average price of $3.27/gal, that means $29.10 in 1000 miles, or $87.30 at oil change intervals of 3000 miles.
But as the video points out, people don't associate a 2mpg difference with a very drastic improvement in fuel consumption.
My guess is that we mentally categorize the two as 'gas guzzlers' or 'abysmal mpg' without doing any math.
I think it has become somewhat of an arms race for safety too.