One of the things that everyone seems to have missed is just where the teachers get their benefits from. The contract forces the state to buy heath insurance from their union.This becomes another source of revenue for the union which is then put into political donations. Thus, the taxpayers of Wisconsin are being forced to donate to political candidates that they may not agree with. Eliminating this and letting the state find the best deal on coverage will defund the union which is why they are so vocal about it. This is another reason I oppose public sector unions entirely. The state does not need to feed into a system that funds one political party over another. It needs to be neutral and the existence of these unions voids neutrality. If an individual teacher wishes to donate to one party or the other that's one thing but the union does not give them a choice as to where their dues will go.
No green technology will ever make a substantive environmental impact until it is economically viable for most people to use it. This must be from a reduction in net cost of the new technology, not an increase in the cost of the old technology through taxation
(Note: the car sees 100% city driving and is EPA rated at 37 mpg city)
Last edited by Jim-Bob; 02-25-2011 at 01:34 AM..