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Old 02-25-2011, 01:34 AM   #25 (permalink)
500 Mile Metro Traveler
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Location: Sun City, CA
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90 day: 30.51 mpg (US)

'89 Metro - The Egg - '89 Geo Metro Base
90 day: 50.71 mpg (US)

'94 Alto - The Box - '94 Suzuki Alto Ce-L
90 day: 39.5 mpg (US)
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it could in theory, or you could do one of those wacky leaf blower superchargers lol.

the thing is, the ecu looks at a variety of sensors to make it;s decision about fuel injector dwell and spark advance, so if one is giving a crazy signal (for example too much air past the throttle body plate), the MAF would register an higher than normal air speed reading as well as the o2 sending a lean signal, so it would probably at that point throw a code saying the tps is out of whack.

newer '96 up obd2 ecu's go one step further and actually to some extent ignore the crazy tps signal and "learn" it out of the equation, while throwing a code for it's signal error as well. thats why on newer cars, you can get a CEL and not notice any change in the way the car runs.
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