Originally Posted by Jim-Bob
My first actual tank counted in my log was from when I found out that the fuel tank seal leaked-all over the place. That tank was 38.5 mpg or so and should not have been included in my statistics because the fuel was leaked out and not actually burned in the engine. This tank is the first one I have done with a sealed tank (and all new fuel lines).
Ah yes the Jeremy Clarkson defense, as seen in the 1500 gbp Porsche challenge.
He bought a rubbish 928 that could best have been described as a pile of spare parts that loosely resembled a running and failing Porsche, which had a leaky fuel tank and lines. He got about 7-8 mpguk out of the car, but his defense was the same, that it didn't go anywhere near the engine so he didn't use it. However seeing as it went into his car from the pump and didn't return to the pump when it left the car he used it, just the same as the leaking metro used all the fuel that left the fuel tank, regardless of whether or not it burned it or leaked it on the road.