I've read that most geologists believe ~3 trillion barrels of oil existed on the earth during the modern age. As of 2004, ~900 billion barrels of oil had been extracted. Peak oil is supposed to hit at 1.5 trillion barrels. We are probably in or are going to hit peak oil by 2012.
As you can see, there is a lot of oil left, apparently enough to last us another century...except humans are greedy. The reason oil is going to run out in our lifetimes isn't supply, but ever increasing demand.
Oil will always exist, but it won't satiate the world's ever growing hunger. You can't consume 3% more energy every year forever, especially not on fossil fuels. Well before oil runs out, it will become economically ousted.
As far as converting your truck to electric, you might want to shift your thinking. If you want to be a "slave" to electric companies, as you expect might happen, then stay on course. Otherwise, I'd rethink why you need a 3085lb vehicle to move a 180lb object...
An obese man running out of food money may think economics is the issue, while the wise person would understand that it is gluttony. Alternative energy is a solution, but it is not the answer.
- LostCause