Originally Posted by Small4Seater
I wouldn't think pulse&glide is that good for a diesel since a diesel usually becomes extremely efficient under constant RPM (and pressure).
I haven't seen any positive results from it either, I'm afraid.
The ScanGauge showed a marvelous improvement, but filling up didn't confirm that.
So I no longer use P&G on long stretches of road.
I do however try to coast as often as possible - i.e. getting up to or keeping sufficient speed so I can coast to certain points where speed needs to be reduced anyway like turns, speedbumps, PSL reductions,... at an appropriate speed.
I can do some experiments where I simply press the clutch to "glide" and tell you how it goes.
I'd put it in neutral and release the clutch again.
To me it's far more relaxed than keeping the clutch-pedal pushed in.