Originally Posted by LUVMY02CREW
- Just to be sure I'm not confused , would you please clarify what you meant by "The newer template is edited"...was it the double template that I reposted or another one that I missed????
- AND thanks about the "GIMP" software, I looked into that a bit earlier and that might be the way I go...free stuff is great
- I agree that it would be helpful if aerohead and the mods could update and clarify which to use. Everyone "reading off the same page" can only be a good thing in the long run.
Either of the templates can be used.The newer one is 'cleaner' and has some 'boundaries' established for under vehicle mods so nothing will get knocked off on a driveway ramp,railroad crossing,etc..
The curvature down the roofline is the most critical part as far as streamlining as it will prevent separation.And this goes for the sides as well.
If you can do the plan taper as well as the roof curvature you'll pick up a little extra drag reduction.
Just find the location along the side of the vehicle where it is widest and do the best-fit for what you have.If there is no body camber at all,you just have to start at zero and work back.