yeah, I've had quite a few ignition switch failures - and that was before I learned about P&G.
Plus there is the risk of accidentally locking steering wheel, and the inconvenience of having to reach over.
So I put a kill switch and remote start on my gear shift lever.
I don't imagine it could be good for a turbo though, and it is totally dependent on roads, traffic, aerodynamics, and more.
My point wasn't that it would work for everyone, just that it can work in theory for a diesel, even though there are no pumping losses due to the lack of throttle plate.
Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
A few months ago I returned home just as my neighbor pulled into his driveway. It was cold (around freezing) with some rain and sleet, and he yells to me: You rode your bike? In this weather?!?
So the other day we both returned home at the same time again, only now the weather is warm, sunny, with no wind. And I yell to him: You took the car? In this weather?!?
Last edited by JacobAziza; 03-08-2011 at 08:40 PM..