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Old 03-02-2011, 01:47 AM   #120 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thymeclock View Post
And how much are their yearly fringe benefits (pensions + medical + other perks) worth? That's another sly little detail we're not supposed to notice or mention.
What's your point? Jealousy? Will you be happy when they're all making the starting teacher salary of $25,000? Would you prefer minimum wage? With no benefits? Should they pay you for the privilege of teaching? $46k is not very good pay for a skilled college-educated professional, IMO. Why does it bother you that they're earning that pittance? And they're willing to take pay cuts - another sly little detail we're not supposed to notice or mention.

Boycotting Exxon since 1989, BP since 2010
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin
Mean Green Toaster Machine
49.5 mpg avg over 53,000 miles. 176% of '08 EPA
Best flat drive 94.5 mpg for 10.1 mi
Longest tank 1033 km (642 mi) on 10.56 gal = 60.8 mpg