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Old 03-02-2011, 03:52 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post

Let this be your notice that I will not tolerate your personal attack against me. My voice has as much validity in this discussion as yours, coming from New York. Your colossal ego does not make you live in Wisconsin, either.
Here, once again, is what I said, verbatim:

Unfortunately for you, polls aren't elections. You will have to wait until the next election to unseat him.

Oh, wait... you don't even LIVE in Wisconsin. Maybe you'd like to go there to protest, like all the the other imported demonstrators.
That's your idea of a personal attack?!?!?

That you don't live in Wisconsin is a FACT. That you side with the protesters is a FACT. That there are imported demonstrators is a FACT. It was phrased as a rhetorical question.

Since you are so mortally offennnnnded by my pointing out those facts, I'll say you are acting like a crybaby who knows how to dish it out, but doesn't know how to take it.

Just because you scream "personal attack" doesn't make it one. To you, citing the facts = "attack".