From what I have seen on the web, from what I already know, from the information you and fjasper have provided I am inclined to go with one of the wide band kits at less than $200 plus shipping. Although they are more expensive than the recomendations you make beatr911 I like the Idea of a complete kit that all works together. I will reasurch some more and make up my mind in a few days.
What to do with used oil? I use it on the lath, milling machine and drill press when machining.WD40 works as well. anything I don't use I bring to the recycling depot. I use synthetic 5W30 in the Yaris and after the first 8000km oil/filter change I went to 20000km oil/filter change intervals and now its once a year at around 22,000km. I have just over 100,000km on the car. so I don't get much used oil. Like fjasper I am often surprised by the pashion of some people when it comes to opinions on lubricants.