Checked code for described behaviour, but no problems found.
It could be becouse of modified constants
// [CONFIRMED] For gas car use 3355 (1/14.7/730*3600)*10000
#define GasConst 3355
#define GasMafConst 107310 // 14.7*730*10
One is used for instant calculations, other one - for rest of calculations.
And if only one of them is modified - other has to be changed too.
(to check if correct values are set - multiplication of both of them should be
3355*107310 = 360025050 ~= 3600 * 100000.
Also it could be "config" dependent - need value of "Fuel %", or is it default one?
params.fuel_adjust is not used in instant consumption calculation.
if this is the problem - it should be added in "fast repair" list.
Idea for improving OBDuino - nice, some day, someone should add it to list