i know what you mean
i would like to find the strings describing the methodology of larger throttle application on acceleration resultant increased FE and try it too..
perhaps some kind soul could post a link.. for us..
sometimes theory in application can not meet or exceed experience and feel in real world.
i like to think with appx 50 years on the road and more than a million miles in Var. types equipment i do have a *feel*..
my preferred ramp behavior is to apply that amount of power required so that when i reach merge point to join the roadway i am at the same speed as road traffic.. and join..
i can recall with very large equipment merging into very heavy traffic applied full power and did not achieve required merging speed. , just stuck it in they could see me coming on down the line and gave way . [and cursed my soul i am sure]
remember on high speed roadways with heavy traffic there is the phenom of corridor or convoy effect . draft pull and draft push..
better to run with the traffic if you can ,, if you do not in Houston some Road Rage Cat may well target you with a 44 Cal ..
install a manifold vacuum gage .. drive with reference to it higher Intake vacuum=better FE .. forget the theoretical pumping loses ....unless you have high displacement with high compression its negligible .. so i intuitively know .
i might be right and i might be wrong
*lemon heads*
if i see the numbers laid out logical i CAN change my thinking.,