Consuming and emitting less, as well as spending less are all nice, but honestly I`m trying for better F.E. more for fun than enything else. Kind of like racing, I guess, but with a lower budget and not so much adrenaline
. I find the whole thing fascinating all the way from simple tricks like putting an automatic transmision in N at stop lights up to the far out aero mods that some members manage. But I almost feel like I`m missing out on half my "turns" by not driving more (yes, that sounds really stupid). Does anybody else ever harbor desires to drive more and fill up more often?
Originally Posted by redyaris
If my average speed is 60km/hr then I spend 500hrs/year driving and if I average 50km/hr then I spend 600hrs /year driving!
Wow, I never ran those numbers before. There`s definitely something to be said for speed.