My current car came from a salvage auction with 10 gallons of gas in the tank. Unfortunately, by the time it went back on the road that same gas was almost a year old.
In order to get the old gas out of the mix as fast as possible I like to run it down to about 2 gallons left of the stated 20 gallon capacity. I also like driving over 600 miles on every tank which is now happening with the warmer weather.
I tried the call the future gas price game in 2008 when I bought some 5 gallon gas cans to keep some extra fuel. Around here if a hurricane hits you can loose the ability to get fuel for a week or more (happened here in 2003, I had 65 gallons stored). I actually gave some gas to the local counties refugee shelter for people whose homes were destroyed in the flooding from Isabel in 2003, so they had a generator for power and cleaned and put fuel in my next door neighbors generator so we could save the food in the refrigerator in both houses. We got 14 showers out of a 40 gallon hot water tank with no electricity except from the shared generator.
If I bought 15 extra gallons of fuel the price would probably drop