I was looking at the Rev D drawings, and it looks like all of the pins have been taken up by current features. With absolutely no real basis for it, I was looking at DACs and it looks like this one <http://www.rohm.com/products/databook/general/pdf/bh2220fvm-e.pdf> would be a good fit. It looks like it could run the three gauges I want to use (Tach as a big ammeter, Fuel as SOC, and temp as, umm, temp) with some op-amps. Am I reading the schematic wrong, or has it changed so that some pins would be available? Or would it just be simpler for something like this to switch over to an XMega since those can be had with up to 16 ADCs and 4 DACs onboard? Would most if not all the code port over from the Atmega168 to an Xmega MCU? Thanks in advance.