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Old 03-08-2011, 06:12 PM   #12 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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I don't use websites because they almost never have accurate or complete information for my area, many small fill stations south of here are consistantly $0.25 a gallon cheaper than the ones in the area.

I will fill at the cheapest station on my route to wherever it is I am going. I plan when I need to fill and go specific places specific days so I am never surprized and have to just fill somewhere. (at least very rarely)

I tend to know which stations are less expensive and in some cases the amount is rather extreme because there are several monopolies that I cross when going between areas.

Its really too bad state laws are such that they support monopolies, in Wausau there has been a breakfast club of station owners for decades so every station in that area except for maybe two independants will always have almost exactly the same price (never more than 2 cents difference usually no difference).
It also doesn't help that there is only one supplier to all the stations (except for 2 stations) and that stations that do sell gas for less are put out of business within about 2 years for selling below market or their license being pulled.

Another irritating aspect is if a price is listed on the news and our prices are $0.25 or in one case $0.50 a gallon cheaper, right after the news article about gas prices going up the prices will match on the button whatever was stated in the news. Sadly when the news says prices are going down we are usually 2 weeks behind the curve.

Free country eh?
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