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Old 03-09-2011, 03:46 PM   #27 (permalink)
X-Frenchy: very
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Toulouse, France
Posts: 595

scenic - '01 renault scenic
90 day: 43.09 mpg (US)

megane - '97 renault megane classic
90 day: 72.53 mpg (US)

dennisius - '06 Toyota Prius
Team Toyota
90 day: 69.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 9
Thanked 34 Times in 23 Posts
Before high prices 3 years ago I was using any gas station. When prices climbed I compared prices and found supermarkets gas stations cheaper and used them until I began to eco-drive, eco-mod and hypermiling...

I read an article about differences between some gas (much less dust) and additives (cleaners) and decided to try some gas with additives. At the middle of the 1st tank I found my car accepting lower rpm in 5th from 1500 to 1300, then to 1100 after a couple tanks.
As this gas with additives isn't more expensive than buying some additives I decided to continue with this gas. I also found that the gas station I used is the cheapest gas with additives near my commute. Last this gas is extracted, refined and distributed by a French company for which I worked while I was student.

When I have to fill up far from home, I fill up with the same gas I use whatever is the price as it's rare. Rare times I fill up with another gas are when there is strikes and I can't find my gas...

My first goal in saving gas is to save energy and to lower pollution. The money saving helps me into my goal by buying a little bit more expensive gas (+5% while I'm saving 45%) and invest in energy saving projects : better oil, battery, tires... for the car, some insulation for doors and water heater at home; and my preferred a solar panel and a charge controller for a geek project and have fun

Save money & CO2 at home :
Created and managed by the creators of
Earth and health are priceless, so are kilotank and AT-PZEV
Best Mégane tank: 1268.9mi @ 77.847 MPG(US)
2008/06-2011/10 saving:
  • 5725.5 kg CO2 (5342.6+382.9)
  • Diesel / Money: 42.17% = 2446.25€ = 3357.26$

megane : thread - kill switch.
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