I built a basic WAI for my 98 Civic DX Coupe. I am not running fully scientific tests, and I have no plans as of yet to buy and install any gauges. What I am doing is driving my real world commute with Tae Kwon Do focus on speed, route, traffic, hypermile techniques, and etc... I calculated 45.26 MPG on my last tank. I think I am pulling about the same this time. I'll know soon. One confound: I also reduced the weight 114 lbs at the same time, but all indications are that such a weight reduction would mean only about .5% in efficiency gains. Yet I picked up about 7% on that last tank. If I confirm it this time, I might feel pretty convinced. I know there are those on this forum who are "haters" of WAI or unconvinced. I wonder if anyone would like to discuss my empirical but not precisely scientific, fully controlled variable, results so far?