After the Teton Dam failure in Idaho in 1976. The Federal government began a geothermal project in Sugar City Idaho and I worked on the farm where they sited the wells. but after leaving college I never heard any more about it. Idaho has a very rich supply of geothermal heat, only about 30 miles to Yellow Stone Park. One guy was raising tomatoes in a geo heated greenhouse for market and doing very well. My brother just moved back out there last April. I'll have to ask him about the status of those projects. Sugar City was supposed to get steam heat for very long term. I remember one place where i use to hunt where warm air blew out of the ground and melted the snow all around. I found it one day while rabbit hunting in the lavas in subzero weather. I sat down and got warmed up. It was Federal land but I always thought that would have been a great place to build a house.