Official coastdown tests are conducted on level roads,so no 'official' data exist for downhill coasting.
That being said,under same-day,back-to-back downhill comparisons,if you could get to terminal velocity you could probably see a definite trend.
Safety should override all other considerations,so this would be problematical.
I have been doing 'informal' coastdowns on the last 1.1-miles of 60-mph highway road,from a hilltop,down a gentle grade to a creek bottom,then up other side to my turnoff.
With zero modifications to the truck,depending on weather conditions,my velocity has varied from 38-mph,to negative mph,stopping short of my turnoff by varied distances.All with no modifications whatsoever to the truck.
While it's an interesting exercise there's little I can make from the scatter-plot of data.
I'd recommend you scope out a level, lightly traveled stretch of road for testing.
From that we might be able to help.