Originally Posted by trikkonceptz
They will never be able to ban cell phone from use in cars because of how dependent we have become to them.
Best case scenario, police agencies carry cell jammers in their cars disabling cell phone for x radius around a police car ... that would be funny.
I agree with the jammers in police car but..
Honestly I believe that is why they need to be banned in cars. Absolutely NOTHING usefull is done because we have cell phones that we didn't do before cell phones.
All they have accomplished is to make people lazy and in my oppinion loose their ability to fruitfully communicate and work. The world would probably be a better place if most every conversation I have ever heard on a cell never occured. The useless cesspool of ignorance conveyed in 99% of cell conversations would be no loss to anyone including those on the phone.
The only thing cells have accomplished in terms of work is to reduce our ability to take decent notes and schedual our time so we feel like we did more but in reality just were able to avoid time management and get to BSing & getting *****ed at faster.