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Old 05-01-2008, 12:38 AM   #6 (permalink)
Coyote X
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unhooking the battery for 30 minutes always worked for me to clear the codes.

You could possibly plug the line going to the booster so it is disabled. The brakes will suck and not work as good without a lot of effort but that will let you drive without worrying about the car dying when hitting the brakes.

I can't remember much from my old 93 tbird but I am pretty sure you can take the master cylinder off the booster and there is enough brake line length to get it out of the way without unhooking them. Then you can get the booster off and slip it out from behind it and replace it with a good one. I think the bolts holding it are inside and you will need to fight under the dash for room to work but I still think it could be done over a weekend easy.

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