Originally Posted by johnlvs2run
The honda civic I got recently has airbags, which freak me out as they're a time bomb waiting to happen.
Why would they be a time bomb waiting to happen

There are millions of hem out on the roads.
Freak accidents with them are very rare.
The passenger side windshield has a long crack across the front, and no chip, so it could have been caused by the airbag popping up.
Could have been a lot of other things too.
Faulty fitting being one of them.
A deploying airbag doesn't crack the windshield by default either.
If the airbag has ever popped out, you'd notice it on the ripped up dash.
You'd think that whoever repaired the airbag and the dash, would also have gone and replaced the windshield, which tends to be the cheapest of the three.
I am quite uncomfortable about them, but my major concern is if the airbags popped out with a friend in the car, and caused death or tramautic injury.
Crashing without them, is far more likely to cause serious grief than the extremely rare accidental deployment of an airbag.
Don't fool yourself into thinking you have full control over what happens on the road.
If you ever wondered what drove down the number of traffic deaths, rest assured it wasn't people's driving skills.
But as they say, you can't stop a fool from acting like one.
Some say it's foolish to even try and stop them from being foolish.