I do agree that that kind of failure would be bad. But, I also think its very unlikely that that part of the circuit will fail. Both items are solid state components and quite reliable. The other mechanical parts (relays) are much more likely to fail (and therefore have been chosen so that in such case they do fail in a way that does not affect normal operation). However, in order to make it even less likely to happen I will change things around a little bit. I'll increase the value of the resistor before the LED so that the LED is underpowered and should therefore last even longer than normal.
Also, in the event of any failure of the start/stop system, I have included a power switch to turn the circuit off and return the car completely to normal.
Unfortunatley, I haven't thought of any other way to easily impliment a fail safe neutral switch on a vehicle. I'm certainly no expert though and am all ears if anyone has another way of dealing with it.