Originally Posted by johnlvs2run
So you go from 1st at 2500 rmp -> to 3rd at 1000 rpm?
Why do you let the clutch out all the way, and then have to wait?
I've found shifting from 1st to 2nd is very smooth by letting the clutch only part way out, because I can shift sooner, more quickly and at much lower rpm.
Letting the clutch all the way out from 1st to 2nd would result in jerking, as you say, because that takes more time and the rpm's get too high.
I'm not meaning like count 1 to 10, I mean a quick pause - a second or so. Its hard to explain these techniques, we need a video
The delay is to allow the engine (Petrol in this case so light flywheel) to settle down to 1K. When you lift the clutch peddle out the speeds usually mesh quite well and you're ready to go.
Maybe that was in the wrong order.
Start in 1st, go to 2.5
Clutch in, throttle off
wait for revs to drop
Into 3rd
Clutch out.
Jobs a gud'un.