Originally Posted by Joenavy85
i just removed the entire top of my vehicle and painted a target on the back of my head
I hope you used lead free paint and lots of sun cream ?
To the OP - look we are having some fun here because we really think this is a silly idea. The number of 'freak accidents' is way low compared to the lives saved. I spent a long time when younger driving cars that according to NCAP would fold and kill me as soon as I sat in them but I'm still alive. Well just. I also had the idea of an explosive charge pointing at my head when behind the wheel was bad - but I checked the stats.
My avatar (Alec Issigonis) once suggested fitting carving knives to the dash of any car to encourage safe driving - he wasn't entirely wrong was he ? But we know its a stupid idea.
Its just like the idea of drafting a truck. Some people do it hardcore (and crash), some people do it passively (google video search for hypermiler record to see a guy in an Insight do this well) and others do it more gently - I do it but at least 70-100 feet back. Its a technique, we all implement it differently and some not at all.
If you want to remove these items then go ahead. Its your safety and that of anyone who rides with you. That won't be me due to safety concerns, but more likely due to geography (I'm 6000 miles away).
For FE you can get loads more gains removing other weight and looking at aero which is a whole load of fun.
So please keep on in here and "fight the numbers" like the rest of us.