multiple motor madness
Your pictures were fine!!they appeared as thumbnails but when i clicked on them they enlarged and i could zoom right in whatever you done it worked!!Anyway,when i originally starting asking these questions about multiple motors it was three-fold wanted to run two 72 volt motors from milk floats(dont know if you have them in your neck of the woods-but here in the U.K. there is an abundance of them...used to deliver milk,hence MILK floats.LOL...therefore an abundance of good 72volt DC motors to be had/salvaged/repaired),and in fact some of the newer floats have 90 odd(not sure of the voltages)volt motors...all good there then!Second:-I wanted to run two 48volt motors and Thirdly:-I can get absolutely extremely stupid quantities of 24volt motors...however i need to find out what type they are...which i will be doing in the next hour,well at least i'll go get one and strip it 'naked'..(ooo...if only i could find an abundance of sun kissed nubile females to do the same with!!!!woops...stop it Warren!!)in the next hour...ill post some pics of it as im doing it.These motors were used to pump hydraulic liquid for lifting!!but from first look they appeared to be series wound.soon find out though won't we!i am also going to post some pics of two milk floats that were souped up for a race against each had an arrangement where 2 smaller dc motors started the float off then a larger dc motor kicked in for more top end i assume that the 2 smaller motors were for torque-y acceleration and the larger motor as i say was for top end speed!The other float(which won)didn't let anyone take pics of what they had under 'the bonnet'??!!maybe they had a very very quiet ICE in there....THE!!But you mentioned the killacycle...well,ive got some ideas about something similar...!actually...DING...just had an idea!i was thinking of using a Yamaha 535 virago drive shaft(they have a prop shaft that goes from the engine/gearbox that drives the rear wheel)so what if i used two of those,tinkered with the rear wheel to make it more car like(basically for looks cos it looks like a bike wheel and is too big)then i have a rear drive system that could be fed from 2...hmmm..maybe 4...hmm..maybe 6 of the 24 volt motors(if they cut the mustard)linked together by sprockets and chains...not just normal motorbike chains but heavy duty chains that come of the same junk that the motors are from...loads of torque might snap them if there not strong enough...they could drive the prop shafts!!!arrrghh...need coffee,pencil and paper!!my head is full of ideas for this!!i am also going to post pics of some sketchy designs of the EV's im gonna chassis frame(s) and also pics of the shape going to use fibreglass for the bodywork.Im excited about getting these going....!!also,what do you reckon on using a 750cc BMW(also prop shaft driven drive)for its gearbox,marrying the motors to the gearing system????all these thoughts and ideas....!im going for those 24v motors soon and then im gonna strip it down and post some pics of it(them) ok.