Glad to see I'm not the only one that's been thinking about this.
I'll try to get a schematic of my current hardware drawn up this week. It's nothing particularly impressive, but should be a good starting point for discussion, further development and revision.
My code works fine on IDE 0021, uses standard libraries, has basic functionality at this point and should be easy to adapt to different hardware designs. Using different size displays, multiple displays and even graphic LCDs (which I just started playing with yesterday, after picking up a couple of $10 128x64 units) should be a simple matter of writing info pages that make full use of them.
The problem with typical graphic LCDs or more than one character display being the number of IO pins they demand. Serial interfaces can cut down the pin count, or one can go the opposite route and use a board with more IO pins - an Arduino Mega. AFAIK, the code should work fine on any Arduino compatible board at this point.