Originally Posted by jackbauer
Don't use scrs. They are and were used in forklift controllers with a capacitor discharge commutation circuit. real stone age stuff. Have a look at the videos on my website in my sig to see the controller build. I honestly never heard of vce rising at higher currents. If it did i don't think desat detection would work correctly. In any event i can get the hardware current limit to kick in without causing the devices any distress. 
I second not using scrs. I ran a 500amp model for a while. They fail in funny ways if you run voltages too high above their rating. Mine failed on as I was coming up on a red light with a long line of cars...like forgetting you had the cruise control set but your brakes don't do anything. Luckily there was a dirt shoulder and the ignition contractor still worked. Getting home was interesting using controller bypass...