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Old 03-23-2011, 04:56 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mort View Post
Consider a car that has an engine that can produce 250 HP and is 25% efficient there , but only needs 15 HP (6% of its maximum) to cruise at 55 MPH but is only 10% efficient at that power. It will get about 18 MPG at 55. If the efficiency at 15 HP could be raised from 10% to 20% then the fuel economy goes up to 36 MPG. If the hydrogen generator needs less than about 5 HP you are ahead. You might need to carry a lot of water.
Or a much, much better and provably valid way to do this - that is, spread the peak load more over the driving cycle (of an resultantly scaled-down engine) is to use a hybrid drivetrain (batteries acting as the power reservoir when max power is required).

BTW - anyone know how leaned out an petrol engine can go when mixed with syn-gas (70% CO 30%H2)? ... I'm thinking that Charcoal could used to make Water-gas off the exhaust heat (say, on an artic)?

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