I finally got around to testing and recording the effects of VGs. The test used three setups (hatch spoiler, VGs, stock hatch) in an A-A-B-B-C-C format, using the same stretches of road. The tests were done with the least amount of time possible between trials.
With spoiler:
With vortex generators:
Stock hatch:
EDIT: Here's some photos of the mods:
Vortex generators:
The trip strips were in place for all three runs. After each run, the tested component was removed and all else left alone. The tufts proved the strips inneffective in preventing the air from wrapping around the pillar and producing vorticies.
Testing began at 10:30 AM with 20-25 minutes between runs.
Here's an older tuft test video showing the stock hatch:
Here's a video showing attached airflow from the vortex generators: