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Old 05-01-2008, 08:16 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I believe you would have to dig ~35 miles deep before the earth would be hot enough to boil water. I've forgotten the exact rate at which the earth increases in temperature with depth, but I believe 212F is achieved around 35 miles based on a brainstorm I did awhile back.

35 miles is at the very limits of contemporary drilling technology. I also can't imagine the technical hurdles of capturing low-energy steam from such a depth. Liquids with low boiling points could lower the drilling depth needed, but efficiency and total recoverable energy would probably be extremely low.

The only comparable energy source to fossil fuels that I know of are: radioactive ore, hydrogen (w/ fusion reactor), and the sun.

Like with any source of wealth, whether it be money or energy, the first generation generates it, the second enjoys it, the third squanders it. Wealth isn't easy to come by and unfortunately, I think we are the third generation.

- LostCause
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