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Old 03-24-2011, 10:58 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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snake oil... My assumption would be that the cleaner fuel system is what resulted in the increased mpg. That does however mean that the thechron did its job, its just not necessary to continue to use it on a regular basis. It may be just an old wives tale to use it for 3 consecutive tanks, Ive found 1-2 tanks max to be more than sufficient. I have driven old cars for years and only noticed an increase after its initial use. following that, my mpg is the same (slightly improved over pre-cleaner baseline) for consecutive tanks for thousands of miles to follow.

the biggest let down i ever had was the lube control fp plus. I cant say its technical benefits other than it did give an improvement in initial mpg as it cleaned (at least i believe it did) my injectors, etc.. My startups are faster and idle is smoother, however i now have a gallon of cleaner that does nothing more than remind me how much money i wasted. my mpg is unchanged with or with out the cleaner. Now before i ruin someones delusions about its effectiveness, I am well aware of the millions of variables that can alter the tank to tank average. That said, if i cant see a difference between a 3 tank average of continued use after its initial benefits its not worth it to continue.

that applies to all cleaners in my opinion. They are meant to clean the fuel system and that is it. If it added significant fuel efficiency in MPG why wouldn't big oil just add it and use it as an advertising gimmick to make it sound superior to the competition in order to charge a premium price.

Instead of wasting your money on additives, if state laws permit just buy gas from stations that don't add ethanol. That will be the best you can do for the quality of fuel and energy derived per gallon of gas. my personal favorite-Shell
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