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Old 03-27-2011, 12:33 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Calculation help

Ok I've been wroking on a fuel economy work book for cars made ranging from 1990 (cars sold in North America) too 2010 I'm going to wait till 2012 to update for 2011. I have the vehicles years, make, modle, engine displacement (not done cyclenders but its not that hard to figure out), Transmission, Drive train FF, RWD, AWD or 4WD, and combination of the trans with drive train. What type of fuel Reg Premium or Diesel, and yes Hybrid is listed in the makes. I also put in the the vehicles fuel tank size both the listed tank size and an inclreas of 10% I know that certain cars can take more or less but all of my friends (was not about to ask 16,000 vehicle owners how much gas can you really put into your tank. I then listed the price of gas Reg Prem and Diesel both the lowest price in the city and the highest for all 3 types then multiplied it by the tank size to determin the cost of gas and its a bit disturbing on some of the cost. I am in Canada so all my calcs are set in L/100km for both city and hyway found some really good cars to but now I want to add 1 more calc to my tables lol I go out to make a simple excel doc and wind up with a huge book.

I digress, what I am looking at is how to get the cost per km driven. I was thinking of dividing the cost of the tank by the amoutn ok km that the car can go on both the hywy and City would this be correct? I know from testing the math on the rated economy and my current vehicle but this will hopefully be the last calc then I can be done till next year or I find some more info lol.

2 cars one never gets driven the other is an MPG project already at 5% increase in standard driving economy CAI and Pulstar plus. Thinking weight reduction next year.
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