Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I don't want any of that filth anywhere near me.
The other annoying component of all these cries for new power generation is that household electricity use has skyrocketed in the last few decades. Nobody is seriously promoting conservation; the whole emphasis is to let the consumption keep skyrocketing and simply build new generating and grid capacities for it all. That's where the money is for them but geez. 
i have no problem with nuclear power as long as it is properly regulated and maintained, but frank has made the best point so far. instead of figuring out how to provide more and more power, how about we (as a whole, not this site since obviously we're working on it) figure out how to limit usage per person. instead of limiting our carbon foot print we're just making it okay to have a larger one. Again when i say "we" or "us" i'm referring to the human race, not members of ecomodder