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Old 03-28-2011, 08:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I have no problem with camera enforcement, provided it's actually effective. I've seen just about enough (it only takes a couple) dead bodies cut out of mangled cars because someone "didn't have time" to stop for the red light. If cameras make people obey the light, I say use 'em. (In a state that's banned them because the legislators like to speed, run lights, and drive drunk.)

Delay works for a little while, but then people just rely on the delay to let them run red lights longer after they turn.

I heard the other day that they're doing a traffic camera lottery (in Sweden or somewhere, I can't remember), and they send a percentage of the fines generated to a lucky law-abiding driver caught on camera obeying the law. (Daily? weekly? I don't remember). A little of the carrot+stick approach. So if you speed, you get a ticket, but if you don't speed, you might get a prize.
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