Yeah probably.
If I wait until the tank is closer to empty my FE will go up right? I realized I've been filling with 20L or so still in the tank (1/3 full) because my fuel gauge craps out at around 30L and either always says the tank is full or says it's empty.
Thinking about it, the sg of gas ranges from 0.71-0.77 according to wiki. That means it's 710-770kg per 1000L, so if I let my car run down to about 5L my car would weigh 15L = 10.65-11.65 kg less. A linear decrease from 20L to 5L gives an average reduction of half that meaning 5.33-5.83 kg over that range. They say 100lbs reduction is 1-2% so I'm looking at 0.118-0.257% increase in FE, for my car thats about 0.033-0.071mpg.
Oh well, that could've turned out better... Atleast I know I can get that 0.1 rounding in there sometimes, and I won't have to go to the gas station as often lol.