Originally Posted by Thymeclock
Okay, so let's go back to primary heating with coal or wood and lighting our homes with candles. While we're at it, let's also go back to travel primarily by horses - and experience candle soot, grime from primitive heating, the inherent high risk of household fire from both, and horse manure everywhere in the streets.
"Filth"? I don't think anyone here has ever experienced the genuine "filth" of living in the past.
Maybe you what you meant to say is that you don't want any potential danger anywhere near you. That's called NIMBY, ("Not In My Back Yard") which is actually the topic of this thread.
It seems you are calling for austerity, or actually deprivation, but calling it "conservation". This is akin to calling for imposing a starvation diet and having the hubris to suggest it is a cure for famine... 
I totally expected something like this from you.
I don't even need to say anything. Letting your statement hang there should be enough.